
时间:2023-06-27 19:27:14


Lesson 1

Teaching Objectives: Students should master the dialogues and useful expressions

Language FOCUS: Welcome (back) to…, on duty, have fun (doing sth) , best wishes, this term, the first lesson, call one’s name, because clause traffic (a), on time.

Properties: Tape recorder, some pictures, a calendar

Teaching Procedures:

I. organizing the class

Teacher: Good morning, class.

Students: Good morning, sir.

T: Welcome to school.

S: (They may have different answers, never mind)

II. Warming up

After a long vacation, students may feel hard to speak English, so give them a few minutes to talk about their holidays in groups.

III. Leading in

Go round the classroom and greet them individually “Good morning, welcome back to school” then get them to greet other students in the same way.

IV. Presentation

Take out some pictures with People doing things happily and show them to the students to learn and practice “have fun doing sth. eg. The chil


