初中英语Ive broken my arm的教案

时间:2023-05-31 12:27:05
初中英语Ive broken my arm的教案

初中英语Ive broken my arm的教案

教学目标: 充分认识身体的各位,让学生谈论事故和健康问题。



allergy (pl.)allergies , in order to ,weigh (n.)weight, ongoing, be proud of, keep up ,call for , ambulance, fainted, in the head, temperature , clean up,

an X—ray,  clinic

Teaching steps:

Step 1: Step 1 Making a dialogue

Divide the students into some groups. Let them practice some sentences like this: P: patient  D: doctor

Step 2:Revision

break(过去分词) ___________bite(过去分词)_______________

从---掉下来___________  摔倒_______________

呼吸困难_____________  摔断胳膊___________


Step 3: Reading

Let the students to read the text by themselves and circle the words or phrases that they didn’t know.

Explain the difficulties then ask the Ss to read again and do 3b.

Check the answers.

Step 4: Presentation

Go through the six sentences and three pictures in 1. Then ask the Ss to put them to put them in order.

Step 5:Listening

1:Read the in structures to students

2.Play the recording the first time. Ss only listen

3.The second time ask the Ss to check the accidents they hear and correct the answers.

Go through a to h of 2b.Then listen the last time and finish the chart.


Go through 2c and ask the Ss to try to describe his personal accident.

Step7.: Practice (composition)


Let the ss to write down the composition,then ask several to read 。


Unit11-2 I’ve broken my arm. 达标训练


1. I cleaned it up.

clean up有二个意思

1). 赚钱获利, gain, make

2). 打扫, 清理 这句话中是清理的意思.

2. get stuck in 阻住,塞住

stuck: [ stk ]  stick 的过去式(分词) a. 不能动的,被卡住的

3. fall down,fall off和fall over都表示“摔倒、跌倒”的意思,但它们各自的.含义不同。

fall over强调的是“向前摔倒、跌倒”。

She fell over and broke her leg. 她跌倒并把腿摔断了。

fall down强调的是“滑倒、倒下”,后接宾语时应加上介词from。

The boy hit the tree to hard that he fell down.


fall off强调的是“跌落、从……掉下来”,后直接接宾语。

The girl is falling off the bike. (= The girl is falling down from the



二. 首字母填空:

1.She f    when she heard the terrible news .

2.She     (窒息) with emotion .

3. There was a lot of fog on the road but we got home s

4.Please answer my question     (立即)

5.They all came to help r    the stones .


1.The sky is dark. It ______ (rain).

2. Look out! The car ______ (come).

3. If Paul comes this evening, we ______ (give) the letter to him.

4.I___already____(see)the film.I___(see)it last week.

5.__ he ____(finish) his work today ? Not yet .

6.I ____ (work) here since I ____ (move) here in 1999.

7.Shanghai ___(be) a small town hundreds of years ago. Now it ____ (become) a large city.

8.Where's Li Ming? He____(go)to the teacher's office.


after ,first, next, bandage, around ,rest, medicine, badly

Lily fell over and hurt her knee    yesterday .    , the cut was cleaned .    ,the doctor gave her some    and put a    on it .

that she was told to    and not to walk    too much.


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