
时间:2023-05-31 11:08:06



  1. above all - most importantly

  2. account for - explain

  3. as a matter of fact - in fact ,to speak the truth

  4. as a rule - generally ;normally

  5. about to - be ready to;be on the point of doing something

  6. an old hand - be an experienced persom

  7. any day now -soon

  8. approach sb -talk to sb

  9. be fed up with - be out of patience with

  10. be on one’s own - live independently

  ……此处隐藏642个字……ve the difficulties or find an answer for

  97. jump to conclusions - arrive too quickly at a decision or opinion

  98. keep an eye on - watch closely

  99. keep one’sfingers crossed - wish that nothing goes wrong

  100. keep on one’s toes - be ready for action; prepared

  101. knock oneself out - make a great effort

  102. learn the ropes - learn the rules and routines of a place or activity

  103. little by little -gradually

  104. make ends meet - to get just enough money for noe’s needs

  105. make out - manage;get along

  106. mean to - intentional; on purpose

  107. might as well - to have no strong reson not to

