
时间:2023-06-27 13:45:06



1. Make realistic, specific goals

  You have decided to learn another language. Now what? On our recent live chat our panellists first piece of advice was to ask yourself: what do you want to achieve and by when? Donavan Whyte, vice president of enterprise and education at Rosetta Stone, says: “Language learning is best when broken down into manageable goals that are achievable over a few months. This is far more motivating and realistic。”

  You might be feeling wildly optimistic when you start but aiming to be fluent is not necessarily the best idea. Phil McGowan, director at Ver ……此处隐藏2490个字……guage is spoken

  It may not be an option for everyone but Braun reminds us that “if you are serious about learning the language and getting direct pleasure from what you have learned, you need to go to where that language is spoken”。

  Travel and living abroad can complement learning in the classroom: “The books and verb charts may be the easiest way to ensure you expose yourself to the language at home, but the people and the culture will far outclass them once you get to the country where your language is spoken。”

10. 去到说目标语言的地方

  不是所有人都能做到这样,但布劳恩提醒我们说,“若你认真对待你所学的这门语言,同时能够在学习它的过程中得到快乐,那么你应该到说这语言的地方去。” 旅行和住在外国能够有效地对课堂学习进行补充:“在家手看书本和词汇表可能是让你置身于目标语言环境的最简单的方式,但是该语言环境中的人和文化都在书本之外,除非你到说这种语言的国家去。”

