
时间:2023-05-31 11:48:25




  Primary school, my school -- -- tai Po is provincial school, the campus beautiful environment, with a beautiful view, lush, is a good place to study.

  Entered the school, is two flower beds, inside is full of red cockscomb, like snow and ice yulan, pink is tender of bougainvillea. Through the hall, on the right side is the biological garden, inside has many bonsai, go forward along the pavement and bai maji stone path, is a pool of water, water has a rockery, rockery here are a few goldfish. Biological garden above is an oval playground, spring, in the playground filled with green grass. There are five flag next to the playground, a flag, flag, flag, the youth league flag, flag. Our teaching building is in b, in the morning, when the first ray of sunshine shoot into the window, invigorating top already full of students in the classroom.

  My school is beautiful! Here I want to school said: "I love you to my school!"




  我的学校真美啊!在这里我要对学校说:“i love you my school!”


  And rivers in the north of our school is the shining pearl. Into the gate, you will see an ancient sweet patina elegant cabinet. See, there are elegant and meticulous small bonsai, and full of poetic stone table and bench. Elegant and to the right of the pavilion is located in the building, is an elegant environment of China. On the left there is a fan of marble stone carving the leaming.; There is companion come from afar, joy; Consider and so on. If you look at the colorful circle flower bed, will see the Olympic rings of a tree is WuKeShu branch of ancient towering trees, is a place for students to read, refined and elegant. The leaves rustle, that's nice. Different styles, beautiful environment. Where could hear sweet top. A model master. The elegant, mo xiang, flowers, grass incense, tea. This is a beautiful campus, we hungry to learn knowledge. This is raising my Alma mater, preparing my Alma mater. I love my Alma mater.


  我们的学校是在北江河的闪烁的明珠.一进大门,就可以看到一个古香古色的书香阁. 看,那里有典雅细致的小盆景,还有充满诗情画意的石桌和石凳.书香阁位于教学楼的右下方,是个环境优雅富有文化气息的地方.左边有一个扇形的大理石刻著名人名言.有;有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎;温故而知新等等. 如果你仔细看那些五彩缤纷的圈圈花坛,会看到奥运的树环,是五棵树枝茂盛,古木参天的大树,是供同学们读书的地方,温文而雅.树叶沙沙作响,真好听.风格各异,环境优美. 在那里,可以听到悦耳的读书声.书声琅琅. 那书香、墨香、花香、草香、茶香扑面而来。这就是优美的校园,我们如饥似渴地吸取知识。这就是养育我的母校,培 养我的母校。我爱我的母校。

