
时间:2023-06-07 08:03:10




  Today is the Mid-Autumn festival, but the god doesn't make the United States, it began to rain, to bother me about the Mid-Autumn festival. Fortunately, in the evening, the rain stopped. I want time to pass have to hurry, but do not want to be as I wish. Alas, is really miserable! Finally, in the evening, our family sit upstairs side and enjoy the moon while eating moon cakes, how happy ah! Looking at the round the moon, I suddenly thought of a poem, is written in the tang dynasty poet li bai, verse is: hours not month, as a white plate. And suspected YaoTai mirror, fly in the qingyun. Vertical bipedal immortal, GuiShuHe completely. White rabbit pound medicine, who asked to eat? Topic is "leroi-gourhan month line". Mean: li bai was a kid, don't know the moon, the moon as a big disc, and wondering if it is gods lived on the wan. White rabbit in the dao medicine, ask who to eat... Ah, I really admire the ancient magic imagination. At this point, I was totally attracted by the round moon, not from get another fairy tale "chang e" emerge in sight... I was dream, suddenly, I do not know who gave me a push, looking back, it's mother. The mother a little said angrily: "I have called you several times, hurry back to my room to sleep." I have to look at the moon in the sky, reluctantly parted with it.


  今天中秋节,可天公不作美 ,竟然下起了雨,来打扰我对中秋节的喜爱。幸好,到了傍晚,雨停了。我希望时间过得快点,可是,总不能如我所愿。唉,真是度日如年哪!终于,到了晚上,我们一家人坐在楼上一边赏月,一边吃月饼,多么幸福呀!看着那圆圆的月亮,我突然想起了一首诗,是唐代诗人李白写的.,诗句是:小时不识月,呼作白玉盘。又疑瑶台镜,飞在青云端。仙人垂两足,桂树和团团。白兔捣药成,问言与谁餐?题目是《古朗月行》。意思是说:李白小时候,不认识月亮,把月亮当做一个大圆盘,又疑惑那是不是神仙居住的地方飞在青云上。白兔在捣药,问给谁吃……呀,我真是佩服古人神奇的想象力。 此时,我完全被那圆圆的月亮给吸引了,不由得又一个神话故事《嫦娥奔月》浮现在眼前……我正幻想着,突然,不知是谁推了我一下,回头一看,是妈妈。妈妈有点生气地说:“我都叫了你好几遍了,快点回房间睡觉去。”我只好望望天空中的月亮,依依不舍地跟它道了别。


  The annual Mid-Autumn festival arrived, people also called it the mid autumn festival. Whenever the holiday out of town to people will use the fastest speed back to home with their families. The moon cake shop business was booming, people are scrambling to buy moon cakes. Take things are busy like a robot. There were so many moon cake shop! Rose of watertight peach stuffing, stuffing, best fruit stuffing, red bean stuffing, really see me dim current mess. Gradually in the evening, night falls. The moon had hidden in the cloud, like a shy girl, looking at the earth. It slowly walked out of the clouds and use every part of my own light to illuminate the world. Immediately mountain ah, the tree covered with a silver dress. Lakes that mirror the moon lake is more clear. The family eating the fruit while appreciating the moon, is really happy.


  一年一度的中秋节来到了,有人也称它为团圆节。每当到了这个节日出远门的人都会用最快的速度赶回家跟家人团聚。 月饼店生意可红火了,人们都争先恐后买月饼。服物员都忙得像一个机器人。月饼店的月饼可真多! 有水密桃馅儿的、玫瑰馅儿的、百果馅儿的、豆沙馅儿的、真是看得我眼花僚乱。 渐渐的就到了晚上,夜幕降临了。月亮像位害羞的姑娘躲在云层里,看着大地。慢慢地它从云层里走出来,用自己的光来照亮世界的每个脚落。顿时山呀、树呀都披上了一件银色的衣服。湖水倒映着月亮湖水显得更加清晰.  一家人边吃着水果边赏月,真是其乐融融.

